Monday, February 11, 2013

I'mmmmm Baaaaack!

I know. I have been gone too long. Busy with family, society, job etc. And I thought I had nothing to talk about. But, after a Winter Recess from my Blue Hills Genealogical Society-Barron County, Inc. found a new burst of creative energy! Amazing what a break can do for you.

BHGS is getting things re-organized to better serve and spread the work around to more member-volunteers. A really great genealogical society, in today's world needs to be inclusive, relevant, and ACTIVE!!!! If you are not are dying.

So, we have worked on my mantra about committees. NO COMMITTEES OF ONE. Ask someone to work with you. Get volunteers to work on one simple aspect of your committee. If someone is a new chairperson, help them to develop a goal and agenda with procedures in place.

For Example, I have been serving as the Program chair for our society. This is not the way to do it, as I am as President an ex-officio member of all committees and that has me spread way to thin. A program chair basically only needs a computer and a phone to set up the programs. Therefore, they actually can be a member who lives out of area. Which is what we got. A member was transferred out of state but agreed to serve as our 2013 Program Chair. It did not hurt that of the 10 Monthly Programs for 2013 I had already planned 8 of them. [ I am a big fan of planning way out in front of an event, so that we can better advertise it.] All we needed on her committee then was a couple of people to announce the Program the night of, arrange any film, screen or projector needs for the night, and print out any handouts that a speaker may wish to provide. The new chair actually recruited her own committee members so that is all set. Wahoo!

Got a new arranged committee for the Newsletter, which made our Editor really happy. And all this reorganizing should lessen the load for our volunteers. Which left me with some time on my hands, so I have gone back to advocating for sharing and preserving ones family history/genealogy through blogging.In case you did not know, Thomas MacEntee is one of my heroes!

I had already created 2 blogs. This one, and MyLaRueLinks about my paternal line. I have now added 2 new blogs for my maternal line. My mom's paternal line is at and her maternal line is my newest blog, at  I am excited to share this new aspect of genealogy with my society members. I use Google Blogger. An easy template and free. Great way to share with others interested in any of my lines. Cheaper than printing a book. And a lead in to more complicated sharing and preserving formats such as Google Sites where I have put out 2 first websites on my Juhlin line and my husband's Ervasti line.

There are so many avenues to pursue in genealogy! Such fun and so rewarding.

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