About a year ago, I began the very gentle tip toe into sharing and preserving. It began with my first attempts at blogging. I have since then modified and enhanced it. And then with influence from Thomas MacEntee have found the path I think is best for me....for now. One of my blogs is about all things genealogy EXCEPT my family trees.My feelings, opinions, activities, goals, you name it. I am the president of my local genealogy society, so that always has its own perspective that I can share. The other 7 blogs are on family lines for both my husband and myself. Genealogy, photos, documents and hopefully stories that I can remember or discover for these family trees.
Just recently before I had even investigated the line-up for Rootstech, I had a moment with my 3 year old granddaughter. I love listening to what she is thinking and she asked me to tell her a story. I think she meant from one of her Disney Princess books. But, I went "off script" with my first attempt at story telling her about two children, named Andrew and Jessica (her daddy and aunt - my children) and how they learned to ride their bicycles. She loved it, and this activity will continue as she grows. Hopefully, I can get her grandpa, and others to have their own "story times" with her. We also take out the scrapbook I created for the first year of her life...and use this as a prompt for story telling for her life. The book was given to her as her baby present at the birth of her younger sister. She loves it and we use it to tell "her" story. Each of us has that need for validation. Our definition of self first comes from others. Later we learn how to define ourselves based on these earlier experiences.
Years ago, before I even thought of all this, when my mom and dad were still with us, I gave them each an assignment; a journal to write some of their memories while down south for the winter. It was their first extended trip away from family, and knowing them like I did, could not imagine that they would know what to do with their time. [They seemed to have trouble anticipating all the free hours that they would have upon retirement and how to fill them.] So, I bought them the journals and I have their writings from that time. Only wish that I had followed up with them, using the journals as a prompt for more questions. But, I have their photos from teen years and at least the little that they wrote. After their passing, I asked my Mother's 2 sisters to do the same, providing them with journals too. I have had one returned and will need to transcribe it from the hand written for easier reading and try to get time with her to ask further questions from her. Nothing I really can do to enhance my Dad's except through my mom's sisters, my brother, sister-in-law, our children and myself. But again, better than nothing. Since Dad's two remaining siblings were both younger than he, not sure what they could add, but will try to gather some information from them. Mom had numerous journals, but shortly before she died, she asked that they all be destroyed. I have the last one, saved by my dad and given to me. The last time she wrote in it was the day she was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Personally, I am horrible at staying with a journal about myself. So, the blogs will have to be "my story".
So my newest goal is this. Each time I meet with my family I want to take the time to get them to add one new memory/story to our family history. Short, long, sad, happy whatever. Just one story. Will need to remember something to record it...wonder if my smart phone has anything? Then will have to best determine how to best preserve them and share them....need to think that one through.