Monday, June 6, 2011

What's a Webinar?

A webinar, is a online seminar. The ones that I have watched have been narrated PowerPoint presentations on different genealogy related subjects or on how to use online tools in my genealogy or society business. Genealogy Gems,  Legacy, Roots, Geneawebinars have schedules for some of these. I generally view those that are free, and I make sure to check the archived copies, if I am busy when they are shown live. I may miss out on the door prizes and the Q&A sessions, but can still listen to them as recorded material. Google Docs and Google Forms by Thomas MacEntee, along with his others on Create a Genealogy Toolbox and Backup for your Genealogy Data were excellent and eye opening to me. The pod casts and videos on Genealogy Gems are thrilling. I am working on absorbing all the information that Lisa Louise Cooke provides in her presentations, and especially with search tips and tricks and Google Earth to enhance genealogy. If you are only looking for databases, you may sometimes feel like a gerbil on a wheel. You need to enhance your skills to get more and better information. So use these tools. They save you gas, can be fit into your personal schedule and are providing the public with great tools.